Special packages

Family apartment

Book a family apartment for 4 adults and max. 2 children.
The price per night 180,00 €. Available for min. 3 nights. 
Breakfast is not included in price of accomodation. It is necessary to pay extra if wish to order a breakfast.
Breakfast for an adult from 12 years 15,00 €, breakfast for child 5-12 years 7,50 € (need to be paid at the reception at arival).

The family apartment is equipped with kitchen and an refrigerator.

In price of accomodation for free:

- parking in hotel garage (if available) or in front of the hotel 
- entry to the wellness during opening hours (so far only Friday to Sunday)
- free WiFi

Wellness open

The price 180,00 €/night is valid only in case of payment of the whole stay in advance by your credit card. 

Possibility of free cancellation 7 days before date of arrival.
In this case you will be refunded the whole paid amount. 
In case of cancellation of your stay with refundation of the prepayment to bank account administrative fee 10,00 € (for processing and credit card payment fees) will be charged!

In case of cancellation less than 7 days before arrival we charge the cancellation fee of 100 % of the price!

The package is available from february 01.  until december 22.2024. 
The package is available for  3 - 7 nights.
Book your stay in Hotel Galileo as soon as possible.
Book online.

Book here:
Online booking